Country Garden
Country Garden
Country Garden
Country Garden

Country Garden

A rustic styled bouquet in soft greens and pinks beautifully gift-wrapped in in our kraft brown paper and gift box.

Roses, alstromeria, chrysanthemum, daisy's and mixed foliages. 

 *Due to seasonal availability flowers may vary slightly from images but design will always be of similar style, colour scheme and giftwrap *

Same day delivery available on orders placed by 1.00 PM (GMT)

we will always try to accommodate customers requests in relation to delivery times. we ask that you take into account we are talking about a fresh product and additional time may be required to source particular flowers  to ensure item is perfect for customer.

IMPORTANT: if recipient of flowers is not at home at the time of delivery, and no additional delivery instructions are left, flowers will be returned to the shop and customers will be required to pay 2nd delivery cost.


We will always do our best to meet our customers specific requirements, however due to seasonal availability of certain flowers from the time to time we may have to use a substitution. In cases like this we will always use the best match to the stems pictured, it will always be of equal or higher value to what was selected by the customer. In the rare case no suitable substitution is available, we will always contact you to find an alternative solution. 

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